I’m just getting some thoughts down here on paper, this is really a work in progress. Sometimes I’m just dictating to this, so please forgive any strange punctuation or capitalization from The voice transcription.
Flow like water.
“Balance with surrender” -Juliana
“Shralp is the essence of style, board control, and radditude for all side stance board sports” –Noel Korman
To keep the shralp you have to share the shralp.
The mountain as playground
You can move on a board in so many ways as long as you maintain dynamic balance: fast, slow, in the middle, on the side, over the top of bumps or on their sides – whatever feels best to you at that moment
This is how we create our own style, and we move down the mountain that’s different than how others do it.
Snowboarding as meditation
Snowboarding or teaching snowboarding is one of the only times I don’t think about anything else, when I’m truly in the moment.